artist file
Nakamura Mayako (1976-) is a painter, living and working in Tokyo. She exhibits her work in both domestic and foreign venues since 2009. She explains her working method: "I trace the shapes of space and boundaries in everyday, as my body feels. When numerous senses woven together with the impressions of the reality that my mind has already known, and with the universal shapes that my kokoro longs for, another day appears on my canvas. I'm attempting to create another everyday, which seems more essential than the actual living, by painting atmospheres; emotions and actions that can't be expressed by words; nothing special, but surely existing." Mayako's works has been used as book cover and CD jacket illustrations, collaborates with clothing brands, creates clocks and ceramic paintings as well as paintings on canvas. (Quotes from her official website)
- 1976
- 東京都八王子市に生まれる Born in Hachioji, Tokyo
- 1985
- イギリス、ノーザンプトン滞在(~1989) Lived in Northamptonshire, England
- 1998
- タイ、スコータイ滞在(~2004) Lived in Sukhothai, Thailand
- 1999
- 上智大学比較文化学部美術史専攻卒業 Graduated from Sophia University, Tokyo
- 2009
- 武蔵野美術大学造形学部通信教育課程、油画学科絵画コース卒業
- Graduated from Musashino Art University, Tokyo (Communication Education Curriculum, Faculty of Painting)
- 2015
- AIH パークホテル東京 選出 Selected as an AIH at Park Hotel Tokyo
- 2013,2011
- 八王子市夢美エンナーレ奨励賞 Received Encouragement Award at Yume Biennial, Hachioji, Tokyo
- 2010
- ギャラリー・アート・ポイント New Year Selection 2010 大賞、とよた美術展2010 入選、
- 大阪芸術大学 "世紀のダ・ヴィンチを探せ!"国際アートトリエンナーレ2010 審査員特別賞
- 2009
- 八王子市夢美エンナーレ入選、武蔵野美術大学卒業制作 優秀賞
《受賞・入選 Awards・Selections》